Find out how a ladder format works in . Create your own ladder format and challenge other players to matches
It is an extended tournament that can go on for a long time (maybe 1-2 months ). This is beneficial to players who can schedule the matches as per their convenience and location.
When you create a tournament, you specify it as a ladder format. Once the players register they are placed in a single group. Each player can challenge another player . The player who challenges can specify the date, time, and location . The other player can either accept the challenge or propose a different time. Once both players accept the challenge they play their match and update the scores. The winner gets three points and the loser gets 1 point.
It depends on how the organizer wants to do it. One simple way is that at the end of a specified date the player with the highest point wins the tournament. Another way to do it is at the end of a specified date the top four players play a knockout format and the winner is chosen.